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A long form idle space game.

Destroy endless waves of alien ships.
Customize your ship with different weapons and defenses to better take on specific enemy types.
Plentiful options give you plenty of choices to make.
Several unfolding mechanics

  • Core - upgrade your ship cores with salvage from enemies.
  • Compute - improve your stats over time in traditional idle fashion.
  • Synth - craft and improve modules and recipes to improve your power in various ways.
  • Void Device - slot in the void shards dropped by enemies for different combinations of upgrades.
  • Prestige - unlock different weapons, defenses and ships.
  • Reactor - feed void matter into your reactor to power various system boosts.
  • Research - funnel the research data you get from different sectors into upgrades.
  • Warp Drive - jump to special locations to defeat specific enemies and acquire warp essences to be used in a large branching upgrade tree.

Leave feedback here or in the discord
Content available until sector 125

Updated 1 day ago
StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(83 total ratings)
Made withGodot
TagsClicker, Idle, Incremental, Space
Average sessionDays or more


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It would be neat if laser boost stacked with itself, so  you can have multiple instances of laser boost running  at once. Nice game.


this filled the void left after I finished NGU

(1 edit) (-6)

Interesting game, but ...
Boring, Takes WAY too much time to get things done, Progression slogs out unreasonably in SYNTHing at Sector 30+
Challenges are also a mind numbing chore.


skill issue clearly


the game is amzong in all i just want to get  a little more progress faster


does any one now what encoder is used to encode the save game file

I've had Flex Shard VI for a few weeks, and only have 36/2000 resonance?

On the status screen after starting USI, it says i've found like 300 of the shard in the last few hours, but the shard is still stuck at 36/2000. Approximate time to max is shown as 18:24:00. Am i missing something or is this a bug?

Playing the Steam version, btw.

Do you have two oft hem maybe?

Does the engine boost from the reactor help you move faster in a warp location? The enemies spawn very slowly in warp locations. Sometimes, they time out my warp and force me to finish at a difficulty lower than I should be.


No engine doesnt matter


Actually one of the best idle games i've ever tried. Very well balanced, just need some time to unlock more base mechanics but it wirth it


Could someone give tips for passing sector 94 boss? I get one shot killed.

(1 edit)

Just a heads up, newest chrome (126) seems to break the game (and many other Godot games).

For some reason, a full uninstall->reinstall of chrome seems to fix it.

Firefox also works fine

Hey Sylv, I found pretty funny bug that maybe should become secret achievement (To replicate it you should choose ship with more than 1 shield slots and choose in the first slot deflector shield then prestige and then choose ship with only 1 shield slot and prestige again)

P.S.  Sorry if my english is bad it's not my first language

Haha ya more of a fun "feature" ><


Loving the game and not sure if this is the place for it but it would be nice for a change font color.  Being Red/Green Color Blind in places like Crafting where you do not have enough components the number is Red and it is almost invisible with the background being able to make it Blue or such would be Great.

Hey Sylv, I haven't played in about a year and my password (evidently wrong!) isn't working - can we do a password reset anywhere for the itch cloud saves?

Congrats on going to Steam btw!

Only manual on my end.  You can tell me your account name and I can just set a password for you.  I dont think their are DMs on itch though?

(1 edit)

How to unlock second upgrade screen on warp? I am currently on first reinforce. There was big button but currently button is missing, just showing warps belov zone 74

it unlocks after sector 77

Probably not the place to ask this... that Base Carry Challenge 3/5 (complete sector 12)....undoable. Yet it indicates I should be able to. I just don't know how to set it up. I cannot even clear sector 11.

bit outdated but should still be correct if you want a guide for it:

awesome thanks :)


Hello, i tried to use that wiki page but i still can't do it i have all slot in all base unlocked. i cannot get passed 2e24 damage and shield. i am propably missing something but i don't know what.

May I suggest to move the icon to make the game full screen to the left of that area? Somewhere central in the screen? If at all possible, that would help to play the game on smaller screen, by just playing them full screen. At the moment I need to enlarge my browser beyond the size of my screen and move it to reach it. I think it could be a nice way to not be bothered too much by the resizing thing...

Which icon?  I think you are talking about the inbuilt one

 I mean this one, to enter full screen mode. Is this an inbuilt one?

ah ya thats just adding it.

Ok, cool. Bummer though ;-)  Still enjoying the game! Thanks mate

My Green Slot is empty and will not accept Damage Target Shard IV.

In V Device, I have 57/500 of Damage Target Shard IV (Slot:Orange,Pink,Blue,Green), I can put it in the Blue Slot but not the Green slot.
I have "Show Highlight" checked, when I point the mouse at DTS4, the green slot is highlighted.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

Otherwise great game which i very much enjoy, thank you.

Never mind, I figured it out. You may not have both Damage Target Shard III and Damage Target Shard IV active at the same time. When i was trying to put DTS4 in green, I already had DTS3 in blue.

Is it correct that I cannot uncheck the checkbox to focus research? Now I am stuck with at least one focused research. I don't think it resets on prestige. 

BTW I love this idle game. It is very well worked out! Many respect!

There is no reason to unfocus a research, its just a bonus to the focused one, not a detriment to the others.

Ok, cool! Indeed a true bonus! I am preprogrammed to expect choices only that will affect other outcomes.. lol thanks!

The game started crashing on Linux when I try to close it. It works fine otherwise, even offline progress and saving. 

But, when I click the close button it freezes and I have to kill the application from the os. It happens on steam and in the standalone version. It also happens on a fresh install without progress.

I think it started with the "regular update" a few days ago 0.51.3 . I use Kde-Plasma5 on x11.

Yeah unfortunately I don't have a great way to test this online it's myself . A lot of just stuff changed in that update and nothing should have anything to do with closing the game  ><.  I will figure it out at some point though!

It is working correctly again in version


(2 edits)

great game!! I was looking for a nice new idle game....and this is it!

One suggestion (not sure if the developer(s) read along :-); the scaling of the UI is too large. It doesn't fit my screen. Also the menu on the top right corner that isn't part of the game, but of the website (?) is interfering with the menu buttons of the game. Can I find a way to scale down the page? The scroll bar doesn't show immediately.

I'm using FireFox on my Mac :-)

Scaling issues are an ongoing problem sadly :(.

As for the top right thing, its been mentioned in comments here somewhere before, I can't remember if someone had a good solution though.

(1 edit)

Thanks for you reply! I work through them not to worry.  On a large screen everything seems to work ok. With regards to the scrolling. Mouse over the game itself doesn't allow you to scroll. But once the mouse pointer is over the background (?) of the website next to the active frame with the game (sorry don't know what that is called),  the scrolling does work. Gosh I hope this makes sense... 

Best idle game ever -  Got any means of donating other than Paypal?

Nope, that or do a purchase on steam version.

(1 edit)

It looks like something's gone a little wonky with the latest version of USI; it loads to about 66%, and then displays the following error message in a popup:

The page at says:

Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the .pck file missing? If you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should also be renamed to match the executable's name (without the extension).

Clicking "OK" on the message then causes the game to display the following:

"null function or function signature mismatch"

It's loading OK for me.

Does it work in a different browser for you or anything?

Nope. I've tried it in both Chrome and Opera GX; Chrome doesn't display any errors, it just stops at a frozen six-segment "throbber", and Opera GX displays the errors mentioned above.

(5 edits)

Hi, it looks like there's a gsutil config issue on your side:

I think its an thing, The game does not use Google Drive in any way shape or form that I am aware of.

Although I suppose it could be some odd quirk of Godots html output?

I just finished all in the synth tab. I have yet to buy al warp synth upgrades. With the crew members that buff the synth I maxed out the last 3 things in there from almost the beginning to the infinite in like half an hour. :D

I think I broke the game a little. I did unlock the 8th crew member but now that one doesn't appear in the crew list anymore. Even after prestiges.

Sorry I didnt see these earlier.  Is this resolved?

Yeah all good now. :)

How do I win core computing challange 7 and +? I got the advanced computing tab maxed out but only get e24 salvage per second and that's not enough to use tier 3 weapons and shields. And with tier 2 weapons and shields the damage is not high enough.

Should be much more doable on current version

Only managed to finish them after the big update. Maybe I did them wrong in some way.

(1 edit)

is 3 gatling lasers and two bulk generators not enough to get past sector 18?

I think there's an issue with Salvage Shard II not being auto-discarded even when the player has a Salvage Shard III.

I have a Salvage Shard III max level in the pink slot, but Salvage Shard II is not being auto-discarded. All the other irrelevant shards have been auto discarded appropriately, it is just Salvage Shard II behaving incorrectly.

It only auto discards shards that have been maxxed out so if you havent maxxed out salvage shard II then it wont discard it

Hey sylv idk if youll hear me, but i am playing on phone, the game works fantastic, it is very fun and i am loving it, i dont know how you ended up making this but i wanted to tell you i appreciate your work very much it has helped me through hard times, ofc not really dark times as the game has also been fockin me some times when waiting for the loading screens to load XD but anyways keep doing what youre doing and if you may, could you ever add a little new button that starts like a little sword fighter that you can upgrade too? Idk if its too much to ask as it is a space idle game and swords arent really a thing of ships so.. please and add it a different currency that might be able to overboost gains for a little amount of time or like a nitro boost for the ship and that, itll be really cool trust me! Anyways THANK YOU VERY MUCH and MUCH LOVE KEEP DOING WHAT YOU DOING!!

Oh and one problem with the game for mobile is that i cannot write anything, so writing secret is going to be a hard challenge, unless i manage to get a pc someday and put my backup into the pc chrome and then do it so you wouldnt have to overwork...

Why does my save get cleared literally every single time I load the game? It just randomly started happening at some point so I stopped bothering to play. Recently picked the game back up hoping that the issue was fixed but to no avail. Even setting up cloud saves doesn't fix it. I have to log in manually every single time.

It is your browser security/privacy settings that is causing the issue.  Brave and incognito simply will not perserve the data that has your saves/settings.  Others also wont depending on your browser settings.

If that's the case though, then why did it suddenly start happening? I'd played the game for a good two or three months before the issue cropped up and hadn't changed anything on my end regarding privacy settings.

Sometimes when an update happens the url et cetera that itch is hosting from for the game (which is running in an iframe) changes, People have definitely had that trigger the privacy stuff before when it wasn't.

Unfortunately there just isn't a fix outside of trying different browser or getting the proper whitelist setup et cetera.

resources received while away (the offline progress) seems to struggle calculating my 1 day and 7 hours after getting that AI upgrade. As it's been calculating for a solid minute by now.

I let it calculate for 6 minutes and refreshed... now the timer is just 6 minutes higher.

There was a bug with late game calculating in general. Now it should work for you fine.

can confirm, worked fine yesterday.

What is the answer to "Three base word"? Its English description and Chinese description seem different

Just wanted to say i really like the logo and title screen :)

And the base loadout i just unlocked

And at Crew tab confirmations flags are inverted.

Web version.



(1 edit)

I am not sure, but it's view like missiles now can't collide any target.

I found it when do prestige today and fitted missile4. (With no core upgrades)

Missiles just fly through target causing no damage (when other weapons just oneshot enemies)

Upd: Now this problem gone... I don't know what changed, but I checked game reloading before, and make no refits/new-prestige.


I've not run into this, let me know if it happens again sometime.

Will we ever see a Linux version? Godot supports it, so hopefully it wouldn't be too much trouble.

I'm enjoying it a lot, but the way the browser version goes to sleep at the slightest provocation is annoying.

Looking into it

(1 edit)

Thank you!

I saw that a Linux version had been uploaded and tried it out, but some weird things happened with my bomb launchers, so I'm guessing it's not fully baked yet -- I'll wait for you to say it's ready for testing.

It definitely runs better and looks a lot fancier!

Yeah I put it up there to have people test but it's got some issues still. What was the issue with the bomb launcher?

It was deleveled to 0 and much weaker than the bomb launcher in the web version. Looking at the prestige tab showed that there were now v1 and v2 bomb launchers available and it had given me the v1, but even the v2 was much weaker than the unversioned bomb launcher in the web build, gaining 12 damage/level rather than 600.

Oh thats just cuase its an in progress build for next version and kinetic getting v1s on same level as lasers so everything bumps down one (you would jujst need to retrofit to the new higher one)

Really struggling with the achievement of clearing every stage up to 59 (a,b,c) not because it's hard, but because it's long.

With the many paths that'll require a little micro and the speed limit, I keep getting distracted by something and then that 72 min time limit flies by.

Would be really nice to be able to slot shards anywhere now that links would make such a thing useful (especially with the salvage shard), either by default or with an upgrade.

You mean like ignore what slots they are locked to entirely?  I don't think that would work even with the links, if a shard that doesn't have any bonus on blue is in the blue slot, linking to it's not going to get any bonus out of that shard

No, I mean having the salvage shard placed on, say, green, and linking it to pink to enable its effect. Right now my +salvage loadout needs to have the Salvage shard on pink, meaning all other links between pink will be one-sided since Salvage offers nothing else. I'd rather put a more link-friendly shard on pink, like Battle, but right now I can't do that without losing out on the Salvage shard entirely.

I think I get the idea... which could be useful now that we can have multiple links.
example of current: salvage shard has to be in pink, battle shard linked to pink.
example of idea: battle shard in pink, salvage shard linked to it to activate it's effect.
result of idea: Allowing for battle shard's links to be used to activate pink effects on other shards.


Really digging this at the moment, but I have to ask - will this ever be on Steam? 

I'd like to easily follow development. I know there's a fee for getting a game onto Steam, so I've gone ahead and put some money into that goal if it's ever planned to happen.


It is in fact coming to steam!  I am currently working on setting it up to work with the steam api and get the store page and steam setup fee etc all straightened out.  Thanks for pitching in!

(3 edits)

Am I missing something on the final Compute challenge? I can get every bar full green, yet 2.0 Laser and 1.0 Kinetics are the only tiers I can get leveled effectively, 3.0 Laser and 2.0 Kinetic start costing way more $ than the maxed out computing produces around column 5, and Sector 18 boss 1 shots 2.0 shields.
Update: Found something busted enough to get me one-shotting up to sector 20, but now even that DPS isn't keeping up and the normal enemies are one-shotting me before I can get to the boss.

9 is rough.  You need to farm Improved Tracking and resources for a while.  And probably use a good weapon setup too.

Try running 2 deflectors, 1x Beam 2.0 or 3.0 (3.0 means more time to farm compute to max it, but you might need a ton of farm time regardless), 4x Laser Cannon (1.0 or 2.0 doesnt matter much) with Supportive Routing and support damage nodes and 1x Bomb for Volley access. Farm for a while, and then user your actives at the right time should do it.

For some reason 2 deflectors never occurred to me, I'll give that a shot!

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